Socia logo

Welcome to SOCIA, the platform where it becomes easy to find activities around you, and partners who share the same interests as you. We are two French people who fell in love with Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean, where we have been living since 2017.

Arriving with the desire to explore the region and engage with the community, we quickly realized that it was sometimes difficult to find activities and make friends. This is how the idea of SOCIA was born: a user-friendly activity-sharing platform to bring people together and enrich their daily lives in the simplest way possible.

Drawing of the earth with a sign Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean
Drawing a group of people

Our mission is to break down the barriers of isolation by offering a space where everyone can discover and propose activities, whether it’s a nature hike, a board game night, or a cultural visit, for example. SOCIA is more than just a platform; we want to create a community united by the desire to fully live every moment.

Behind SOCIA, there is a team of enthusiasts who are dedicated to offering you the best possible platform at a low cost. Each of us brings our expertise and enthusiasm to provide you with the best possible experience. We are driven by the conviction that, even in a connected world, the experiences shared in real life are the ones that matter most.

We are proud to have created a space where the words Share, Discover, and Enjoy take on their full meaning. Join us and be part of the SOCIA adventure.

shaking hands to form a heart

More questions?

Don't hesitate to contact us on: [email protected]

SOCIA gets noticed

SOCIA was a finalist in the Star-Tech 2022-2023 competition organized by CEE UQAC, following an 8-month program to encourage innovative companies. To read the full article:

Informe Affaires
Femmes Affaires Saguenay

Alexandra, SOCIA's co-founder, finished 2nd in the ‘innover au féminin’ 2024 competition, organized by the Corporation des femmes d'affaires du Saguenay, which aims to encourage women entrepreneurs with innovative projects. To read the post:

Femmes d'affaires du Saguenay

Radio-Canada talks about SOCIA, the new activity-sharing platform in Saguenay Lac-St-Jean. To consult or view the full article:

ArticleReplay of the newspaper program
Radio Canada

SOCIA platform launch announced on CKAJ, the new activity-sharing platform
